2- Install the provided 'PS2 Classic Placeholder PKG' to your PS3. 3- You will now have a new icon on the XMB, but it is not activated. PS2 Classics: This Game is released as a official 'PS2 Classics on PS4' Title in Japan, but the language is still in English, due to the fact that there was no physical PS2 version released in Japan. It shares the same Productcode with the NTSC-U/C version release for PS4 (UP9000-CUSA0784100-JPPS01). PS2 Classics (official ps2 releases):-Finding the rap files for official releases it's easy, just google it.sign act.dat, game's.rap file and the game's.pkg. Install them and you're ready to go. It works with games from other regions as well. PS2 injected games:-You'll need the PS2 placeholder pkg AND the rap/rif file for this pkg. Enter your keyword. Ps2 classics placeholder hen. PlayStation 2-era JRPGs largely benefitted from the fruits of these labors, keeping the things that worked and playing around with the things that didn't. As such, the PS2 featured a diverse catalogue of JRPGs that ran the gamut from classic throwbacks to entirely new combat systems that seemed to throw the entire playbook out the window.
4.81 - 4.85 Supported
△ → Tools → Confirm Browser Close → Off
Ps2 Placeholder R3
△ → Tools → Confirm Browser Close → Off
** ANY PSX/PS2/PSP Packages Need To Be Fake-Signed **
Ps2 Placeholder R3
Ps2 Classics Placeholder R3
- Overview:
- HAN style packages allowed (Patched external modules ecdsa)
- PSX/PSP Free license type allowed (Patched sceNpdrmHeader check)
- Resigned ACT.DAT & RIF allowed
- Cinavia protection removed on HDD content
- OFW Package Manager
- Debug pkg file support added (optional)
- reactPSN alternative solution for OFW users
- Install OFW Package Manager (HAN Installer)
- Enable HAN (HAN Enabler)
- Install PKG (etHANol Resigned)
- Inject License (etHANol Resigned)
- Fake PKG = Only needed for Custom psx/ps2/psp
- Debug PKG = Only needed for custom retail PS3 pkg
- Retail PKG = install it as is
- HAN Enabler Needs Ran Every Time The Console Is Rebooted or VSH Is Exited
- HAN Installer ONLY Needs Ran Once
- HAN ACT/IDPS Dumper ONLY Needs Ran Once
- HAN ACT/RIF Copier and HAN Enabler Need Ran Once Per Content
- Load Exploit Page
- Select Dump Path From Dropdown Box (default /dev_usb000/)
- Click 'Initialize ACT/IDPS Dumper' button
- When init ready, click 'Dump ACT.DAT & IDPS' button
- The browser will close automatically by default
- Use habib's resigner tool to resign rif and create new signed_act.dat ** It is recommended to resign all the packages that require HAN Enabler **
- Place act.dat in resigner directory and drag matching RAP file onto EXE ** keep original act.dat in a safe place **
- Place new rif file and act.dat on USB drive
- Load Exploit Page
- Change RIF File Name to match your target example PS2 Placeholder: 2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333
- Select Root Path where act.dat/*.rif is located (default /dev_usb000/)
- Click 'Initialize ACT/RIF Copier' button
- When init ready, click 'Copy Files' button to transfer to HDD
- Extract all files from 'han_supportfiles.zip' on target USB drive root
- Load Exploit Page
- Select Root Path where these files are (default /dev_usb000/)
- Click 'Initialize HAN Installer' button
- When init ready, click 'Launch HAN Installation' button to copy files and reboot
- Once rebooted, you can now use the HAN Enabler and Debug Package Enabler
- Load Exploit Page
- Click 'Initialize HAN Enabler' button
- When init ready, click 'Enable HAN' button to activate patches
- Once browser closes (default option) you can install HAN packages from XMB
- Load Exploit Page
- Click 'Initialize HAN Debug PKG Enabler' button
- When init ready, click 'Enable Debug PKG' button to activate patches
- Once browser closes (default option) you can install Debug packages from XMB
- Reboot console before installing updates or retail/fake retail error will occur
- Place act.dat and idps.hex into same folder as resigner tool
- Drag PKG/RAP onto EXE to resign
- Created signed_act.dat on output for RAP/RIF
- Quick Instructions:
This will dump your activation file (act.dat) and your IDPS.
This will write back a modified act.dat and *.rif file
** Packages which are converted, and packages which needs RIF activation **
PS3 HAN Installer:
This will copy files from USB to Flash Memory for OFW Package Manager
PS3 HAN Enabler:
This will initialize HAN to allow OFW Package Manager and other patches
PS3 HAN Debug PKG Enabler:
This will allow Debug Package types to be installed
PS3Xploit etHANol Resigner:
This tool made by habib will resign packages to work with HAN